
Solar atlases.
Computed spectra.
Solar irradiance at resolution 500000.
Computed solar spectrum at resolution 500000.  Central intensity and flux.
ATMOS        my version of the ATMOS infrared central intensity spectrum
COMPUTEDSPECTRA at various resolutions for models ASUN and ASUNODFNEW
FLUXATLAS    Solar Flux Atlas from 296 to 1300 nm by Kurucz, Furenlid,
             Brault, and Testerman 1984
FLUXATLAS2005    Solar Flux Atlas from 296 to 1300 nm by Kurucz, Furenlid,
             Brault, and Testerman 1984 rereduced by Kurucz 2005 for 300 to 1000 nm.
HALLIR       sunspot atlas by Hall
IRRADIANCE   computed irradiance in 1 cm-1 bins
IRRADIANCE2005    irradiance atlas 300 to 1000 nm
IRRADIANCE2006    withdrawn because calibrations not reliable
IRRADIANCE2008    infrared windowws 1560-1740 nm, 1920-2100 nm
IRRADIANCE2009    nothing so far

IRRADCCDIMAGE    true-color irradiance spectrum in CCD format
KPK          Center and limb  225 to 319 nm.   Kohl, Parkinson, and Kurucz 1978
KPNOPRELIM   Kitt Peak Preliminary Atlas by Brault and Testerman
             center and limb 295 to 1080 nm
SACPEAK      Sacramento Peak flux atlas by Beckers, Bridges, and Gilliam 1976
             380 to 780 nm