Kurucz CDROMs 25 and 26: H2O linelist from Partridge and Schwenke (1997) These CDs contain the H2O linelist described by Harry Partridge and David W. Schwenke in J. Chem. Phys. 106, pp 4618-4639, 1997. I have edited the data relevant for stellar opacities and spectra into CD length files in two different formats, one on each CD. Both files contain the same 65,912,356 lines packed 8 bytes per line including the lower energy (in whole cm-1) and the log gf value. The wavelength range is 408 nm to 100 microns. The Boltzman cutoff was gf*exp(-E/2500) > 1.E-10 for the normal isotopomer and 10 times higher for the others. The file H2OSLOW.BIN on CD-ROM 25 includes indices for upper and lower levels but no wavelengths. The energy levels and quantum numbers and isotope are in a separate file EH2OPARTRIDGE.ASC. The file H2OFAST.BIN on CD-ROM 26 includes wavelengths and isotope but no identifications. EH2OPARTRIDGE.ASC has 170625 eigenvalues for 1H1H16O, 30215 for 1H1H17O, 30445 for 1H1H18O, and 41916 for 1H2H16O. All the quantum numbers are given with each eigenvalue. There are no observed energies. I will eventually put in laboratory energies where they exist. The program EH2OBIN.FOR can be run by the user to rewrite the ASCII energy file into binary EH2OPARTRIDGE.BIN. The data in file H2OFAST.BIN are sufficient for computing opacities. They can be used with my spectrum synthesis program SYNTHE, distribution function program DFSYNTHE, or opacity sampling model atmosphere program ATLAS12. The program RH2OFAST.FOR reads H2OFAST.BIN. The data in files H2OSLOW.BIN and EH2OPARTRIDGE.BIN are read by RH2OSLOW and can be used as above but with all the information regenerated for detailed line identi- fication. RH2OSLOW.FOR and RH2OFAST.FOR can be used as guides for programming other applications. The *.BIN files are packed in Digital byte order. On other computers it may be necessary to do byte rotation to read the integers. That coding is included in comments. The file H2OCOOL.ASC contains 735542 lines below 100 microns with lower energy less than 2000 cm-1. No Boltzman cutoff was applied. RH2OCOOL.FOR is a sample reading program. These lines can be compared to the HITRAN linelist for the terrestrial atmosphere. For far IR applications, the file H2OIR.ASC contains all 5952389 lines above 99 microns from the original list with no cutoffs. RH2OIR.FOR is a sample program for reading them. A program for computing the partition functions and the resulting table are also included. Under VMS the mount command to read the ASCII files is $MOUNT/MEDIA=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=(STREAM_CR:132) (cdreader): CDROM25 CDROM25 The mount command to read RH2OFAST.BIN or RH2OSLOW.BIN is $MOUNT/MEDIA=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=(FIXED:NONE:8) (cdreader): CDROM25 CDROM25 I thank Dr. Schwenke for sending me the H2O data on 8mm tape. His email address is schwenke@pegasus.arc.nasa.gov. Robert Kurucz 5 March 1999