Kurucz CDROM No. 24: TiO linelist from Schwenke (1998) This CD contains the TiO linelist described by David W. Schwenke in Faraday Discussion, 109, pp 321-334, 1998. Transitions among the states X, a, E, d, A, g, b, B, D, h, C, c, and f are computed up through V 19 and J 300 for isotopomers 46Ti16O, 47Ti16O, 48Ti16O, 49Ti16O, and 50Ti16O. I have edited the data into one large file SCHWENKE.BIN containing lines packed 16 bytes per line and 8000 bytes per block as was done for my old TiO file on CDROM 15. The linelist was edited down to fit on one CD. There are 37,744,499 lines in one 576MB file. Each record has wavelength, log gf, the lower energy (in whole cm-1), and indices for the lower and the upper energy levels. There are 269300 eigenvalues for each isotope. These are listed in ASCII files ESCHW46.ASC, ESCHW47.ASC, ESCHW48.ASC, ESCHW49.ASC, and ESCHW50.ASC with the J and the strongest eigenvector component label for each level. Schwenke's parities 1 and 2 are labelled p and m standing for plus and minus. There are no observed energies. I will eventually put in FTS laboratory energies where they exist. The program ESCHWENK.FOR is run by the user to merge the energy files into one binary file ESCHWENK.BIN. The data in file SCHWENKE.BIN are sufficient for computing opacities. They can be used with my spectrum synthesis program SYNTHE, distribution function program DFSYNTHE, or opacity sampling model atmosphere program ATLAS12. The program RSCHWENK.FOR reads SCHWENKE.BIN and ESCHWENK.BIN and regenerates all the information for each line for detailed line identifi- cation in SYNTHE. RSCHWENK.FOR can be used as a guide for programming other applications. The file SCHWENKE.BIN is packed in Digital byte order. On other computers it may be necessary to do byte rotation to read the integers. That coding is included in RSCHWENK.FOR. A program for computing the partition function and the resulting table is also included. Under VMS the mount command to read the ASCII files is $MOUNT/MEDIA=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=(STREAM_CR:132) (cdreader): CDROM24 CDROM24 The mount command to read SCHWENKE.BIN is $MOUNT/MEDIA=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=(FIXED:NONE:16) (cdreader): CDROM24 CDROM24 I thank Dr. Schwenke for sending me the TiO data on 8mm tape. His email address is schwenke@pegasus.arc.nasa.gov. Robert Kurucz 19 January 1999