KALAMAZOO 2017 Including all the lines: data releases for spectra and opacities through 2017 (Workshop on Astropohysical Opacities 2017) SAOPAULO 2017 Including all the lines: data releases for spectra and opacities (ASOS12 2016) WROCLAWHOWTO 2014 How to build a model of the atmosphere and spectrum WROCLAWCODES 2014 Model atmosphere codes: ATLAS12 and ATLAS9 WROCLAWLINES 2014 Problems with atomic and molecular data: Including all the lines KEPLER 2011 Explaining Kepler planets; alternative planet formation scenarios BERKELEYASOS10 2010 Including all the lines ALTERPLANETS 2010 Alternative planet formation scenarios DIMITRIFEST 2009 Including all the lines DUDS 2008 Most Population III supernovae are duds. (dark matter) LUND 2007 New linelists for Fe I-VI CRYPTOPLANET 2007 Cryptoplanet update DEFLECTION 2006 The precession of Mercury and the deflection of starlight from special relativity alone. ELEMENTARY 2006 Elementary physics in the cellular automaton universe. RADCELLULAR 2006 Radiatively-driven cosmology in the cellular automaton universe. TRIESTEATLAS12 2005 ATLAS12, SYNTHE, ATLAS9, WIDTH9, et cetera TRIESTELIMITS 2005 Physical, numerical, and computational limits for Kurucz codes TRIESTELINES 2005 Including all the lines TRIESTERAPID 2005 Rapid computation of line opacity in SYNTHE and DFSYNTHE TRIESTESOLAR 2005 New atlases for solar flux, irradiance, central intensity, and limb intensity NICE 2005 Including all the lines IRRAD 2005 High resolution irradiance spectrum from 300 to 1000 nm. (also transmission) UPPSALA 2004 New grids of ATLAS9 model atmospheres (Castelli and) FANTASY 2003 The age of fantasy and the age of responsibility. GATLINBURG 2002 Atomic and molecular data needs for astrophysics GIANTPLANETS 2001 The "Extra-Solar Giant Planets" are brown dwarfs PUERTOVALLARTA 2001 A few things we do not know about stars and model atmospheres. LIFE 2000 The formation of life MILLENNIUM 2000 The millennium and the calendar RADIATIVELY 2000 An outline of radiatively-driven cosmology. 1991 and 1997 versions removed PPREACTION 1999 A correction to the pp reaction AFEWTHINGS 1999 A few things we do not know about the Sun and F stars and G stars COOLGREEN 1999 The cool, green hills of earth IRRADIANCE 1998 Solar irradiance by computation VICTORIA 1998 Semiempirical calculation of gf values for all elements (abstract) GEDANKENVEGA 1997 Gedanken astrophysics Vegan astrophysics KYOTO 1997 LTE models SYDNEY 1997 Progress on model atmospheres and line data MADRID 1997 Progress on model atmospheres and line data OPACITYCALC 1996 Rapid calculation of line opacity VIENNACONV 1996 Model stellar atmospheres and real stellar atmospheres VIENNAATLAS12 1996 Status of the ATLAS12 opacity sampling program and of new programs for Rosseland and for distribution function opacity VIENNAIAU176 1995 A new opacity-sampling model atmosphere program for arbitrary abundances DEUTERIUM 1995 If deuterium is not primordial, where does it come from? LITHIUM 1995 The primordial lithium abundance BRUSSELSLINES 1995 An atomic and molecular data bank for stellar spectroscopy BRUSSELSSOLAR 1995 The solar spectrum:atlases and line identifications BRUSSELSSIRIUS 1995 The spectrum of Sirius from 307 to 1040 nm THEHAGUE 1995 The Kurucz atomic and molecular database COPENHAGEN 1994 Computation of opacities for diatomic molecules ISOHYPER 1993 Atomic data for interpreting stellar spectra: isotopic and hyperfine TRIESTE 1993 A new opacity-sampling model atmosphere program for arbitrary abundances BUENOSAIRES 1993 New model atmospheres for modelling binaries and disks ANGRADOSREIS 1992 Model atmospheres for population synthesis CARACASATOM 1992 Atomic and molecular data for opacity calculations CARACASFIND 1992 "Finding" the "missing" solar ultraviolet opacity CARACASPROB 1992 Remaining line opacity problems for the solar spectrum GAMMA 1992 Gamma ray bursts produced by free comets GEDANKEN 1992 Gedanken astrophysics the universe since recombination ISOTOPES 1992 Significant effects produced by isotopic splitting NEUTRINOS 1992 Solution of the solar neutrino problem H2PARTFN 1985 A comment on molecular partition functions SAO391 1981 Solar spectrum synthesis. I. A sample atlas from 224 to 300 nm. (Robert L. Kurucz and Eugene H. Avrett) SAO Special Report No. 391. SAO390 1981 Semiempirical calculation of gf values, IV: Fe II. SAO Special Report No. 390. SAO387 1979 Sample spectral atlas for Sirius. (Robert L. Kurucz and Ingemar Furenlid) SAO Special Report No. 387. SAO309 1970 ATLAS: A computer program for calculating model stellar atmospheres. SAO Special Report No. 309.