See also for LINUX versions and instruction.
ATLAS12 opacity sampling model atmosphere program. Preliminary
version that still uses ATLAS9 equation of state so
cannot do depth dependent abundances or isotopes
ATLAS9 model atmosphere program with opacity distribution functions.
Extensions ending in CD are from CD-ROM 13. Other files
are probably more recent versions.
BALMER computes Balmer line profiles
COLORS programs for computing colors. Many need revision.
NEWDF New version of distribution function program for workstations
OPACITY Opacity miscellany
PARTFN Partition function miscellany
SYNTHE Current version of spectrum synthesis program SYNTHE
including He I lines but not yet including atmospheric transmission.
SYNTHECD Spectrum synthesis program SYNTHE from CD-ROM 18
SYNTHENLTE Version of SYNTHE that can read Avrett's models with departure
coefficients and generate a spectrum that is non-LTE for
atoms treated in non-LTE and approximate for the rest.
UTILITIES utilities
WIDTH abundance analysis program